Fun Activities To Do When Stuck Inside
Some great tips to help you and your family pass the time while social distancing.
Relax and stay healthy!
Make an Origami Easter Bunny
Zoom With Friends
Throw a video conferencing party with friends and family. Zoom is a free and easy way to meet in a virtual group. ***Make sure to set a password
Dalgona Coffee Challenge
A frothy coffee making challenge sweeping the internet.
Quarantine Bread – “Procrasti-baking”
Yeast Free Bread Recipe https://fussfreeflavours.com/emergency-bread/
People baked to procrastinate or to relieve stress and anxiety. In 2018, a psychology professor told the New York Times that “procrastibaking,” as he called it, could help us “feel skilled, nurturing and virtuous in the present while distracting us from the future.”
Re-Grow Lettuce at Home
Build a Rube Goldberg Machine Video Challenge!
Make a complicated machine to do something simple
Free CBC Streaming Content
After you watch all of Netflix and Disney+ try the CBC!
We Recommend - "Travel Man 48 Hours In…"
Assiniboine Park & Zoo Creature Feature
Join us on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1:00 pm CDT for a LIVE Creature Feature on Facebook! We’ll be introducing you to an animal, teaching you about something that's important to us here at the Zoo, and answering your questions LIVE! https://www.facebook.com/events/3127753923941582/
Go to a Virtual Museum
Google has teamed up with some of the most famous museums in the world, and you can visit them with your kids from the comfort of your home. From MoMA to the Arizona Capitol Museum, there are dozens of museums to choose from. The British Museum of London, for one, has a wonderful interactive site.
Smithonian Institute
Fun stuff for kids and teens https://www.si.edu/kids
Science Kids
There are lots of activities and projects for your kids to learn and play with on the Science Kids site. As with any other science project, they'll most likely need your assistance, so it can be fun for both of you!
National Geographic Kids
This is a great way to let your kids explore the world from their own home. National Geographic Kids takes their usual informative commentary and gives it a fun little twist. This makes it more interesting for kids while still giving them an inside look to the outside world.
Scratch from MIT
Coding for Kids!
If your child is enthralled by computers or video games, introduce them to Scratch. Scratch is a program to teach children how to write their own computer code using a simple block system. It's designed for ages 8+, but if you have a slightly younger future programmer, there's a special version for kids ages 5 to 7 called ScratchJr.
Story Time with Miss Sam!
Fort Frances Public Library
Free Audio Books for kids
Tons of free games and quizzes! Can you name the countries of the world?
QuizUp App
Available for both iPhone and Android. This competitive trivia app pits two players against each other in seven rounds of questions in one of several hundred different categories, including pop culture and academia. And it's free.
Build a Funny JibJab Video
Make a Tik Tok Dance Video
You’ll have to download the app and ask a kid how it's done…
Jr. NBA at Home
Basketball Drills and Activities
Yoga At Home
Scholastic Learn at Home
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!
7 Creative Hobbies to Take Up in the New Year
Martha Stewart
Good Housekeeping
These Creative Activities Will Keep Kids Occupied for Hours
You'll definitely want to get in on the fun too.
The Artful Parent
10 things to do at home with your kids
15 Easy Crafts For Kids
Live Concerts and Streaming Musichttps://www.vulture.com/2020/04/all-musicians-streaming-live-concerts.html
The Metropolitan Opera
Enjoy and Stay Safe!